3 Dog Behaviors That Can Turn Your Beloved Dog into a Liability

1. Snapping at the face Many dog owners find it endearing when their dogs kiss their faces. Humans kiss to show affection, so when your dog does it, it feels like he or she really loves you! However, most mouth licking between dogs is pesky behavior. The dog is really asking, “will you let me do this?” If you teach your puppy that it’s okay to lick your face, you are training your puppy to target human faces. Fast forward … Read More

4 Ways to Keep Your Dog Cool This Summer

It finally feels like summer in beautiful Orange County! Warm weather provides the perfect opportunity to get out and do more with your dog. However, just like humans, dogs can suffer from heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Dogs with double or long coats and brachycephalic breeds like Pugs, Bulldogs, and Shih Tzus are especially at risk for heatstroke. Dogs mainly cool off by panting, and when panting isn’t enough, their internal body temperatures can rise quickly. It’s important … Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Danny!

Danny started working at the Tustin Wags & Wiggles in the summer of 2018. He started out as one of our kitchen assistants, quickly moved up, and is now our Kitchen Manager! As Kitchen Manager, Danny prepares meals, feeds our daycare and boarding guests, and ensures all medications are administered. He enjoys working at Wags & Wiggles because he gets to work with dogs every single day! He loves helping all of the dogs in our care have positive experiences. Danny … Read More

Why Leaving Your Dog Alone in the Yard is a Bad Idea

Why Leaving Your Dog Alone in the Yard is a Bad Idea Deciding what to do with your dog while you’re at work, running errands, or otherwise out of the house can be a tough choice. Most dog owners have to leave their dogs home alone for periods of the day, and some owners choose to leave their dogs alone in the yard unattended. While this might sound like a good idea, leaving a dog alone in the yard all … Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Devynn!

Everyone, meet Devynn! Devynn started working at Wags & Wiggles in the summer of 2017. She started out on the play floor as a daycare team member. She is now one of our play floor supervisors! As floor supervisor, Devynn helps train newer team members, leads Quick Train sessions, and ensures all of the dogs in our care are successful on the play floor. On some days, you can find her in the kitchen making meals and administering medications for … Read More

How to Know You’re a Rescue Dog Badass – Meet Sweetie!

Once you start to rescue dogs, your name gets around, especially if you have been doing it as long as I have. I joined Aussie Rescue SoCal 20 years ago and I am on the board of directors. I evaluate dogs for the Orange County area. The Call It’s never convenient when the call comes in for a rescuer to evaluate a dog. Typically, people tend to let go of their dogs during the summer months or around the holidays. … Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Amanda!

Employee Spotlight – Meet Amanda! Amanda has been working at our Tustin facility for nearly three years. She started out on the play floor and is now a staff trainer and one of our floor supervisors! As a trainer, Amanda teaches group Obedience and Sport Dog classes, works with Board & Train, Puppy Raising, and Day School students, sets up private training lessons, and helps ensure all of the dogs attending daycare are successful on the play floor. She is a fantastic big dog supervisor … Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Bryce!

Everyone, meet Bryce! Bryce started working at Wags & Wiggles back in April of 2015. He started out on the play floor as a daycare team member. He’s now one of our most senior floor supervisors! You can also find him in the kitchen making meals or in the office assisting clients. Bryce moved to Arizona for a few years in order to attend school out there. He moved back this past January and we couldn’t be happier to have … Read More

How Hand Signals Can Improve Your Dog’s Life

How Hand Signals Can Improve Your Dog’s Life A hand signal is when you make a gesture and your dog responds by performing a certain behavior. Dogs are pretty amazing at reading body language, and many find hand signals easier to understand than verbal cues. Hand signals can significantly improve your dog’s quality of life for the following reasons: Teaching your dog hand signals will increase his or her overall focus. Dogs who understand hand signals pay more attention to … Read More

Employee Spotlight – Meet Zed!

Everyone, Meet Zed! Zed is originally from Pennsylvania. He got his degree in Education and Psychology at Shippensburg University and worked in behavioral health with children and adults with autism. While Zed was moving out to California back in 2015, he stayed with some friends in Colorado. His friends had 3 dogs who were not sociable with other dogs. Zed worked with these 3 dogs and his own dog, Boh, and by the end of the day, all of the … Read More

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