I’ve been going to several homes lately for private dog training lessons for
Aggression can start at any time, and for any reason. Adding a new dog to the pack can certainly shake things up, but conflict can also arise between dogs that have lived together for years. Perhaps the warning signs were not recognized, or something changed in the relationship between the dogs. In some houses, the pack was set up in such a way that fights happened over resources.
In the majority of my cases, some kind of human mismanagement ultimately led to the first fight. Once the first fight happens, more fights are sure to come, and you will need help from a Wags & Wiggles certified dog trainer.
Here are 8 things you can do to prevent dog fights from starting:

1. No Crate Sharing
Some owners think that dogs will be less lonely if they share a crate. Perhaps one dog has separation anxiety, or maybe space in the house is limited. Sometimes, puppies get adopted or purchased together and the breeder sends them home in one shared crate, so the owners just keep it that way. It’s also typical for owners to put both dogs together in one crate in the car due to space.
Sharing a crate is never a good idea. Puppies may start to play in this tiny space. Dogs need space to diffuse rough play when it gets too intense. Obviously, that can’t be done in crate, so the rough play can lead to dog fights.
The closeness reminds me of long car rides trapped in the backseat with my siblings. Luckily we were all seat-belted in because surely, after a few hundred miles, a brawl was going to break out in the backseat!
2. Give Them Individual Beds
While it can be cute to see dogs piled on top of each other in one bed, at some point, due to age, illness, or just lowered tolerance, some dog won’t be happy with this arrangement.
It is much safer and less work to teach your dogs
3. Possession is 9/10 of the Law
The number one thing humans allow their dogs to do that can lead to dog fights is grabbing toys or bones from other dogs. Dogs have different strategies to steal items from other dogs. Some lay in wait, staring down the other dog until that dog drops the item. Some chase the other dog down, licking their mouth until they drop the item. In other cases, the human plays fetch with one toy and multiple dogs creating competition and strengthening thievery during play.
No matter the strategy, any sort of thievery should be stopped by the human. This can be done by simply adding so many toys or bones to the environment that there is always another item available to the dog that is looking around. If there are three dogs, there should probably be 6 or 7 toys or bones available.
If you have a dog that has the “grass is greener on the other side” syndrome, you will need to take more action. This dog will always want what the other dog has no matter how many things you put out. You will need leashes, tie downs, strong responses to cues like “Leave It,” and strict supervision to break this nasty habit.
During fetch, teach your dog to fetch “their own toy” and leave the other dog and the other toy alone. This will involve leashes and strategic training sessions.
4. Limit Wrestling Time to 5 Minutes
When the new dog arrived, there may have been joy and happiness for all. Wrestling and playing can be part of the norm. If left unchecked during adolescence, wrestling matches can go on for longer and become more serious. This can spill over into skirmishes or all-out dog fights.
Limiting the time of the play can prevent dog fights. Break up longer play sessions with some positive-reinforcement based training or puzzle time.
Below are two videos of normal dog play that, if let go on too long, could lead to dog fights. These two dogs are young, one dog is a year old and the other is only 6 months, and both dogs are male and intact. There are several factors when judging whether a play session should be interrupted.
There are several things to consider when determining if a play session should be interrupted:
- Number of Mouth Jabs per Minute
- If the amount of grabbing and biting is accelerating, break it up.
- Vocalization
- If the growls, barks, and whines intensify, give them a break.
- Tug of War
- In moderation, this game is fine. If it goes on for a long time, or you can’t get them to drop the toy, it’s time to take the toy away.
- Length of Time
- If allowed, these two dogs would play literally for an hour straight. That is a huge red flag for two youngsters who may have issues as mature. We allow them to play for short periods of time, then practice recalls, fetch, or separate in crates with individual bones or puzzles.
- Other Dogs Policing
- If other dogs in the pack start barking or sniping when the dogs are playing, it could be a sign that the play has gotten too serious. Time for a break!
This play season was interrupted due to the growling intensifying. Other pack members were starting to police them (you can hear the barking in the background), and they have been playing tug for about 10 minutes straight.
5. Encourage Calm Arrivals and Departures
Barriers are often a location where dog fights happen. Dogs can get excited, frustrated, and competitive for attention, and these emotions are kindling for a major fight.
Owners need a solid management plan for the arrivals and departures of humans. Having several dogs jumping or swarming the door when people come in is not a good plan.
You can use baby gates or crates to separate dogs. Humans should not give any attention or pets to barking, jumping, or overexcited dogs. If you can come in, ignore the dogs, get settled, and THEN go greet the pack, you can reduce the likelihood of a dog fight.
6. Deal With Reactivity
If one or more of the dogs in your house is reactive on walks or fence fights with neighbor dogs, you will most likely see some aggression within your pack.
Underlying anxiety or reactivity issues will plant seeds of negative emotions in your pack.
If your dogs are leash reactive and get so worked up that they start barking or lunging at each other, the likelihood of a fight in your home after a walk is much greater.
Walk the dogs separately if needed until you hire a dog trainer to help you resolve the anxiety and reactivity problems.
7. Feed Separately
Most owners with multiple dogs have a method of making sure one dog doesn’t steal the other dog’s food. Most problems develop as the supervision level becomes lax over time and one dog starts bullying the other because they finished first. Using individual crates to feed is the safest way to prevent dog fights in the house.
Some packs can tolerate what I call the “Rinse Cycle.” Once everyone is done, then all the dogs switch places and lick each other’s bowls. However, in packs where dog fights have already happened, this should be avoided.
8. Choose the Dominant Dog
Many dog owners have false beliefs about who is the dominant dog.
The problem is that these false beliefs about dominance
If you need additional help preventing dog fights in your home, please reach out to a certified dog trainer!
Great information for me as I have 9 dogs!
I have a 8 year old and a 12 year old shitzhu. The shitzhu has anger insures forever. But is with people no with digs. He loves dos. My 8 year old female don’t like strange dogs but love people. 2 years ago they had a fight for a toy. Nothing serious but I was a little worried. Then nothing happened until yesterday. They had 3 fights in less than 30m. My female dog is 30 pounds and my shitzhu is 11. So the female was all over him. No blood no nothing but my little shitzhu was so pissed and my other dog too. They both sleep with me but yesterday to avoid another fight I put my shitzhu in the guest bedroom. I hated it. They re both my babies. What can I do to avoid more fights ?
We have a 8 month old rottweiler and a 4 year old chihuahua and they have always got along until this last weekend when the rottweiler bit the chihuahua and were not sure what caused the fight the chihuahua is okay but is now terrified of our rottweiler and the rottweiler seems like he has regret he tries to lick the chihuahua small wound or tries to cuddle with him again but the chihuahua will snip at him which causes the rottweiler to react back we have been keeping them separated unless we are right there and I mean the chihuahua next to me and him right next to me to separate which I also don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad but the only thing I can think is there both intact and we have a appointment to get both fixed will this help? And how can we get them to coexist and love and respect each other again?
HI Joy, you have a very serious situation. You should reach out to a qualified behavior consultant in your area. I would recommend you keep them separate until you get professional help.
We have 2 female English bulldogs and we’re given 2 more a male and a female. There is so much fighting now mainly with the female but sometimes the male will b playing and goes into fighting. I feel now my 2 females are violent when they were not before. What do I do?
You should definitely hire a qualified behavior consultant to help you resolve the conflict.
I have 3 bulldogs their siblings about to be 3 years old. Now my male and one female have started fighting terrible!! Did you ever get this fixed???
I’m at my wits end and extremely stressed at my current situation. We have seven dogs, most have been obtained because their owners couldn’t keep them or they were found in a bad situation. There have been more and more fights breaking out which we usually try to break up. It is usually started by one or two of the females (we have 6 females and now 1 male) and the fights are intense and terrifying and traumatic for me. It can be just that they got too close to each other when we go outside to see them or when we let them in, but once they fought now it is easier for it to happen. Now when the two particular females start fighting, the rest of the dogs join in, sometimes ganging up one one of them but it’s very difficult to stop when that happens. I’m so stressed about it, I’m sure they can sense it but I’m constantly trying to make sure there are no triggers, or they are not in a situation that makes it more likely for them to fight. It’s almost impossible to avoid completely but I can’t live in this situation and am wondering do we just need to find some way to permanently keep them separated. I need help!!
The first step for everyone’s safety is to separate the dogs. Then you need to find someone local to you to help come up with a management and training plan to see if your situation can be resolved. You can find a certified trainer on this website: https://www.ccpdt.org/
I adopted a 1.5 year old pit 8 days ago. I already have 11 year old brother and sisters labs and almost 8year old male rot/pit mix. The 1st 3 days the dogs were fine. But now over the last few days fight have been breaking out between the pits. and today on day 8 I have broken up 3 fights that are resulting in blood. My Judy wants me to bring the new dog back to the pound but I am already attached. What can be done to end fighting ??? And it seems to be over absolutely nothing at all.
I have 3 dogs. A 12 year old cocka tzu, 4 year old piglet and a 7 month old pitski. The pitski like to play rougher than the others and is always stealing toys/treats from the other two. This has led to multiple fights I have had to break up. How do I correct this behavior?!? The puppy had also started getting into things and chewing them up.
I have 3 dogs.. 2 of which are brothers, 7 years old and Jack Russell/Pomeranian cross & a 2 year old Rottweiler. For the past couple of months one of the Jack’s and the Rottweiler have been fighting, the fights are getting worse and worse. I have kept them separated since the last fight they had last night and I know something needs to be done before he kills the jack. The jack never ever fights with his brother but tonight I noticed when I was stroking the Jack crosses the Jack who fights with the Rottweiler shown his teeth to the other Jack and now I’m thinking is it because of jealousy? We haven’t really had the time for them like we should have since having my last 2 babies but have now said we will walk daily etc but now I feel there’s a huge problem for us with the aggression.
I have a 2 year old female jack and a 10 month old male they have never fight against each other but in the last month they keep fighting they can paly out in the garden all is fine till they come in the room with us any tips would be appreciated
I have 3 dogs. They all got along until recently, the female Boston terrier, keeps fighting the miniature hot dog. I am afraid the hot dog will kill the Boston terrier. When the 2 females fight while am trying to break that up the mLe Boston terrier jumps in. I have had to keep the 2 females separated. If my son is home they don’t fight at all. The door is the main trigger. Any suggestions?