What does “Canine Enrichment” mean?

Here at Wags & Wiggles, we know the importance of providing enrichment for your dog.

That is why we incorporate enrichment activities into your dog's daycare day!

So, what does Canine Enrichment actually mean?

The definition of "enrichment" is the action of improving or enhancing the quality or value of something. So, Canine Enrichment is exactly that—providing activities and environments that improve dogs' quality of life through physical and mental stimulation! Enrichment can be bonding, training, confidence-building, or behavior rehab.

Enrichment-based dog daycare provides dogs with mentally and physically stimulating activities beyond basic supervision or play. This means that dogs will engage in experiences that help promote their overall well-being and development.

Here is what that looks like:

Physical Stimulation

It is essential to provide physical stimulation other than playing with their friends—it's not always all about chasing and wrestling!

We provide this enrichment through our complimentary Yappy Hour, held twice daily during your dog's daycare day. During our Yappy Hour, daycare dogs participate in activities that provide mental and physical stimulation, providing an additional layer of engagement without overstimulation!

Our Yappy Hour activities include: yappy hour

  • Bubble Time! The dogs get to chase and “catch” bubbles.
  • Jumps! Dogs will be guided to hop over low-set agility jumps.
  • Hoops! The dogs will go through a hoop obstacle course for treats.
  • Cuddle Time! We bring out the sheets and cuddle with the dogs while they target the sheets.
  • Sport Dog! Footballs, soccer balls, and tennis balls galore to chase!
  • Kong Wubbas! These interactive tug-and-toss toys are made from durable material and have a long tail for tugging!
  • Jumbler Balls! These are a ball within a ball and present a fun challenge for the dogs.
  • Tug Toys! Durable two-looped tug toys for the dogs to enjoy.

Another way we achieve this is by providing various toys on the play floor for your dog to chew and enjoy.

Mental Stimulation

Providing dogs with mental stimulation is just as important as physical stimulation. That is why we include twice-daily Quick Train in your dog's daycare day. quick train

Every morning and afternoon, our certified trainers head onto our play floors to work on specific cues and behaviors in the group play environment.  Some of these taught include "sit," "stay," "come," "down," "wait for the gate," and fun tricks like "shake."  We also bring out fun props like Sport Dog equipment or skateboards.

Quick Train helps build a closer bond between our team members and Waggers through positive reinforcement training and consistency.

In addition, having Quick Train's mental stimulation in the doggie daycare environment increases your dog's patience, self-control, and ability to withstand distractions.

Socialization with Purpose

Rather than simple free play, we encourage our daycare dogs to interact with each other in a controlled way. This helps them practice social cues, good manners, and exposure to new environments, which provides an extra layer of enrichment while helping build confidence and reduce anxiety.

By choosing an enrichment-based daycare, you invest in your dogs’ mental and emotional well-being, helping them come home relaxed, fulfilled, and often more well-behaved.

Canine enrichment is just as important to do at home!

Your dog's benefits from Yappy Hour and Quick Train will also translate to your bond and their behaviors at home.

A great resource for Canine Enrichment at home is our online Canine Enrichment Course or our Canine Enrichment Challenge!  These provide daily challenges and activities for you and your dog to do together with items around the house.

We also have a Free Canine Enrichment Guide with many DIY enrichment ideas.

Want even MORE enrichment ideas? Join our Canine Enrichment Facebook group community!

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