Free 5 Week Heeling Challenge: Week 5 Heel Position Without Platform

5 Week Heeling Challenge

In the next few weeks, we will be launching a new course through the online classroom for competition obedience and rally obedience.  In advance, Wags & Wiggles is offering a 5-week free challenge to work on heeling.   You are encouraged to ask questions and submit links to YouTube videos for feedback below or in the Free Canine Enrichment Facebook Group.  Show us your progress!

These exercises are simple enough for the beginner trainer and valuable enough for trainers wanting to move into Rally Obedience or Competition Obedience.

Here is Week 5 of our challenge.  This Free Dog Training exercise on heeling is about getting the dog to the correct parallel position without the help of the platform.

Exercise #1

In the previous exercise, the platform was used to get your dog to the correct heel position while going into a "sit". Now you will make sure that your dog has done enough repetitions to learn the correct parallel sit position with the platform removed.

In this exercise, you will now remove the platform. Next, keep your body stationary and throw a treat in front of you to release the dog. Once they are released, ask your dog to get in the correct parallel heel position and sit. Use the pocket hand technique (Free Heeling Challenge Week 1) if needed to remind your dog of the correct parallel heel and sit position.

If your dog is having trouble, go back to using the platform like in the previous exercise (Free Heeling Challenge Week 4). Repeat the exercise a few times, then test your dog again without the platform.

In the video below, Karina demonstrates how to release your dog with a treat and uses the pocket hand technique to get Amber into the correct heel and sit position.

Get Feedback!

Post your questions below.  Upload a 2 minute or less video to youtube and post the link below.  You can also post the video directly to our Free Canine Enrichment Facebook Page.

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