Rally Obedience

Rally Obedience Training

AKC Rally Obedience is a sport where you and your dog navigate a course together as a team, side-by-side. The course consists of 10-20 different signs. Each of these signs provides directions for the next skill to be performed.

It's a fun way to work on focus and attention with your dog while giving you something new and challenging to do together! A lot of the exercises in the course even have real-life applications.

Our Rally Obedience course will teach you all of the behaviors necessary for AKC Rally!

Class Rules

  • One handler per dog in class but entire family welcome to attend
  • Well-behaved children over the age of 6 are welcome to attend. Any child under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. No more than 2 children per family allowed.
  • No out of control, aggressive, or wild dogs
  • Instructor/student ratio is 1:8
  • No Choke Chains or Electronic Collars allowed on site
  • Prerequisite: Puppy, Level 1 Obedience OR Pre-approval by Instructor required

Classes are 5 weeks long, $175