Client Spotlight: Macie & Lucca the Sheltie!

Meet the dynamic duo - Macie and her Sheltie, Lucca!

Macie started training agility with her first dog at Wags & Wiggles back in 2003 as a junior handler. Fast forward to today, she is now a full-grown adult training her sheltie "Lucca." agility training

Macie came to us when she first got Lucca. He did not respond to cues and was reactive on leash. She enrolled in our Training For Life program and went through all levels of Obedience, Zen Dog, Sport Dog, and every class offered. She excelled at her homework. At one point, she needed some extra help, so we did private lessons in public, where we fine-tuned his reactivity.

We hit Macie's first goal marker when she and Lucca joined Laurie, the owner of Wags & Wiggles, and her dogs on a hike to Black Star Canyon. It turned into a crazy adventure, with almost getting stuck in the boulders, but both humans and dogs came out without a scratch.

Macie's next goal was to enter her first Agility competition. She had never competed with her other dogs, and this was a dream for her. Karina and Laurie coached her through a year of classes. She went to agility trials just to work on obedience first, then participated in the club DASH to work on agility in more public places. Macie joined Laurie in some agility seminars.

It all came together last weekend when Macie competed for the very first time. Lucca had a qualified score to get her first leg towards her novice title. It was thrilling to see someone so dedicated to achieving their goals. Macie never wavered, even when it was two steps forward, one step back.

Congratulations on your accomplishment and your future in Agility, Macie and Lucca!

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