Off-Leash Training: Using A Training Loop

Training loops are used to transition a dog to off-leash training. Everyone wants their dog to listen to their cues and be well behaved off the leash. Off-Leash training is a huge goal for most dog owners, and a training loop is an excellent tool. The Wags & Wiggles Online Classroom discusses Training Loops to keep dog’s engaged. Training Loops can be essential when training non-traditional breeds, like Shiba Inus. A Training Loop is a term made up by the … Read More

Wags Owner Qualifies for World Team Agility Tryouts!

You may know Laurie Zurborg, owner of Wags and Wiggles, as the dog nanny that created Disneyland for your dog. She also has a passion for the sport of Dog Agility! Laurie has represented the USA on World Agility Team twice before, traveling to Italy and Netherlands. Laurie started training her first Agility dog in 1995. Dog Agility has changed a lot in that time — it is even being considered for the Olympics. Her first Agility dog, Foster, an Australian Shepherd/Springer … Read More

USDAA Agility 2012 Wins for Wags & Wiggles!

Laurie Zurborg – Founder, Romi Hirayama – Tustin Facility Manager, Nicole Wakida – Tustin Trainer, & Tammy Wilson, RSM Trainer all headed to Prunedale, CA to compete in the USDAA Agility 2012 Western Regional Championship 08/31/12-09/04/12. If you aren’t familiar with USDAA, you can find out more information here. The Regional events are a lot of fun! They are also important as you can earn Byes into different rounds. This USDAA Agility 2012 regional event was held by The Bay … Read More

Favorite Homemade Tuna Fudge Dog Treat Recipe

  Tuna Fudge is a favorite dog treat recipe of both our dogs and the Wags & Wiggles family in attendance at dog agility trials. It’s nutritious and easy to make. The dogs crowd around us in anticipation of their tasty reward. We have had great success with this dog treat recipe as a training tool for finicky dogs who are not normally inspired by treats. Below is the version we have more-or-less perfected. A 15oz can of Salmon (in … Read More

Agility & The Importance of Understanding Distance Training

Can you just look at a piece of wood and immediately know how long it is? What about if I asked you the distance driving from your house to your work? Would you be accurate? I probably would not be. I can be directionally challenged. In agility, this can be a problem for dogs and humans that don’t naturally calculate distance well. On course, do you notice the distance between jumps changes? Sometimes they are closer together and sometimes farther … Read More

USDAA Agility 2011 Nationals Wrap Up

Trip to Kentucky The trip to Kentucky for the USDAA Agility 2011 Nationals was a good trip but not a great trip. We didn’t come back with any wins or trophies this year. While I was proud of what we did, we just had an off trial. Gumbo, my steady Catahoula, and I were just not in sync. After close examination of the video, there wasn’t anything obvious I did most of the time – we were just off. He … Read More

Agility Teaches Humility Even on Vacation

  The crazy summer months at Wags are finally over and it’s time to take a little vacation. We all worked super hard taking care of everyone’s dogs while all our clients jet-setted from the beach to the desert. Little did I know I was about to learn how agility teaches humility. I chose the coast in central California to play agility with great weather, great friends, and great life lessons. My dogs were so happy and loving. They made … Read More