7 Back To School Tips For Your Dog

Use our 7 back-to-school tips to help make the adjustment for your family dog a little easier and lessen anxiety. The summer months are a non-stop party for most dogs, with visitors, trips, camping, and kids constantly playing with them.  Some dogs struggle to adjust when they suddenly find themselves home alone. If you recently adopted your dog over the summer or got a puppy, the change can be very upsetting. You can help your dog by implementing these 7 … Read More

5 Signs Your Dog Needs A Job

There are five signs that your dog’s behavior problems are because your dog needs a job. Every dog needs some activity that we call a job or work to lead a fulfilling life. Even if you own a small dog breed, they need “work” and will act out if their needs aren’t met. The good news is there are many ways to satisfy your dog’s job needs. But first, here are the five signs that your dog needs a job. … Read More

Warm Weather Activities for Your Small Dog!

Summer is here! With warm weather approaching, while many dogs love to frolic outside in the sunshine, sometimes the weather is too hot for outdoor play. If you own a small dog breed, they may be particularly sensitive to extreme weather conditions. But don’t worry; there are plenty of fun indoor, enriching, and physical activities that you and your tiny tot can enjoy together! 1. Teach your dog a new trick! Training your dog to learn a new trick is … Read More