Dog Flu – Signs, Symptoms, and What to Watch Out For

Dog Flu – Signs, Symptoms, and What to Watch Out For In December 2017, Northern California saw an outbreak of canine influenza, also known as the dog flu. Since December, the virus has spread across the Bay Area, making it’s way to Nevada and parts of Oregon. Southern California luckily hasn’t seen any cases yet, but it’s always good to be prepared. There are two known strains of dog flu in the United States – H3N8 and H3N2. H3N8 is an older … Read More

Dog Health Alert

The health of our pets and families is a priority for all of us. Having social experiences is part of being a healthy dog. Just like humans, whenever dogs come into contact with other members of their own species, there is a risk. You may have read recent news about the dog flu. We have posted before on this subject but this is the latest update. There was a small local outbreak in the LA area last month (approx 35 … Read More