What is it Like Owning a Deaf Dog?

It is important to remember that a deaf dog can do just about everything a hearing dog can! The only difference is that you communicate through hand signals and body language versus a verbal command.  They play with toys, go for walks, give cuddles, do obedience training, and everything in between! First, we will talk about how deafness occurs in dogs. Like with humans, deafness can be hereditary and present at birth.  Other times, deafness can be caused by a … Read More

Dog Training & The Tie-Down: Setting Your Dog Up For Success

The tie-down is a great tool used in positive reinforcement dog training! Here at Wags and Wiggles, we have a very specific dog training philosophy. It focuses on building up both dogs and their owners through positive reinforcement. But training at Wags isn’t all sunshine and cookies. Every day the trainers get questions on how to stop a dog from doing a dangerous, destructive, or just plain annoying behavior. Our answer is always two-fold: What would you like your dog … Read More