Quickie Classes

Quickie Classes are singular day classes, not a series. They are meant to give you a taste of something different and/or address a specific need. Prerequisite: Dogs must already have some basic skills like sit.

Class Rules:

  • One handler per dog in class, but entire family welcome to attend
  • Well-behaved children over the age of 6 are welcome to attend. Any child under 18 must be accompanied by an adult. No more than 2 children per family allowed.
  • No out of control, aggressive, or wild dogs
  • Instructor/student ratio is 1:8
  • No Choke Chains or Electronic Collars allowed on site
  • Prerequisite: Puppy, Level 1 Obedience OR Pre-approval by Instructor required
  • Cost: $35/1 class.


$35 Advanced Clicker Training
Learn how to shape/capture advanced behaviors with a clicker. We will discuss cues, problem solving, chains of behaviors, stimulus control & more.

$35 Door Manners
Does your dog enjoy a good game of chase when they escape out of the front door? Learn how to teach your dog door manners.

$35 Fido Fetch
Not all dogs are born retrievers. Most need to learn how to fetch. Teaching fetch is a valuable tool for off leash training.

$35 Focused Attention
Get it on cue, add distractions, and keepĀ it during heeling. We use different forms of targeting and use a high rate of reinforcement to achieve great results!

$35 Got Stay?
Mastered sit and/or down but can't stay? With this fun class, even the most exuberant dog can learn to hold a stay.

$35 Happy Feet
Nail trims without the freak-out factor. Learn about the different tools to do them at home.

$35 Really Reliable Recall
Easy-to-follow steps to train your dog to come when it really counts - in an emergency. Learn how to build trust and ensure safety.

$35 Street Smarts
Make your walks more enjoyable by doing some leash training.